The Legacy Junior Rodeo Association (LJRA) strives to keep western heritage alive by bringing regional recognition to the sport of rodeo for youth, ages 6 through 15. In addition, the LJRA works to promote the utmost level of conduct and sportsmanship, foster relationships between its participants, while increasing and maintaining interest in the sport of rodeo.

Pee Wee Division:
6 years old and younger
* Stick Horse Barrel Racing
* Goat Ribbon Pull
* Dummy Roping
* Mutton Bustin
7 & Under Division:
* Barrels
* Poles
​* Girls Goat Tying (on foot)
* Boys Goat Tying (on foot)
* bareback/saddle bronc ponies
**7 and under may participate in the 8-11 breakaway roping and team roping. If they earn points in these events, they will count toward the 7 and under all-around.
8-11 Division:
* Barrels
* Poles
* Girls Goat Tying (on foot)
* Boys Goat Tying (on foot)
* Breakaway
* Calf Riding
* bareback/saddle bronc ponies
* 8-11 age group may participate in the Team roping and SB/BB. If they earn points in these events, it will count toward the 8-11 all-around.
12-15 Division:
* Barrels
* Poles
* Goat Tying (girls on horse)
* Tie Down Roping (boys)
* Breakaway Roping (girls)
* Saddlebronc/Bareback
​* Steer Riding
* Team Roping
​**If you are in 9th grade, as of the rodeo season, you can participate as a 15 year old.